Meet The Artist

Make everything with LOVE
My artist’s journey began when I was very little. I remember myself enjoying painting and having my artwork exhibited at kindergarten; but it was my mom who helped me to set this path as my only way in life, and I’m so grateful for that. She signed me up for art school when I was 10 years old. After 13 years of studying different mediums and techniques, I realized that I have unconditional love for watercolour. There is magic in the unique ability of the medium to produce exciting, interesting and sometimes unexpected, random ways to blend and mix colour.
Moved to Canada in 2012, I was amazed by the beauty of nature and the wildlife that inhabits these land, air and water. I will always remember the first breath of that autumn air – the smell of grass and leaves; even rain and wet rocks had their smell. For the girl who grew up in an industrial part of Siberia that was so unique. I’ve never seen a bear or any other animals in the wild; they usually would hide very deep in the woods. And even though I often explored the mountains and forests of my region, I’ve never had any encounters. That has changed on my very first trip to the mountains in BC, when I saw a black bear cub. How excited and delighted I was you cannot imagine! Since then nature and the wild places have become my true love and inspiration. The beauty, peace, and truth found there have no equal.
The strength of my collection is the combination of landscapes and wildlife in a unique way. Nature paintings give a feeling of satisfaction, and wildlife art can affect the future of our planet. It may have only a small effect, but it is a contribution to the conservation of our natural world - without which we could not live. For every print purchased on my website, I donate $1 to One Tree Planted supporting global reforestation. Over the years I’ve been donating to different global and local wildlife associations and foundations, and it brings me joy to do small steps in making our world a better place.
Thanks to my mom I realized that if you want to create something really thoughtful you should make it with love, and I put my heart into every piece that I paint. It’s my hope that you not only love my artwork, but my soul that lives within it.
Elena Marke❤️a
See my 9' x 9' city map of Vancouver proudly displayed in the
Museum of Vancouver (MOV)
Features with OPUS Art Supplies - Elena Markelova's Essential Watercolour Set and How to Paint Misty Forest
Interview with Vancouver Guardian
Feature on Ellen Finds
Interview with Shoutout Arizona
Artist Story Feature at Giving Gifts
Video Interview with Knox Vancouver - Watch here